Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Kings and Priests

Rev.5:10 says those who are redeemed by the blood of the lamb will be “kings and priests for our God, and they shall reign on earth."

For years I heard that reference roll off tongues like it was one title, “kings and priests”.  As if we all are kings and priests.  To be sure, there are some people that fill both rolls, but they are the exception, not the norm.  We will usually operate in either a kingly or a priestly mantle, but seldom both.

So what’s the point?  Priests (as seen in scripture) are those with a gift and anointing to teach the scriptures and lead people into a genuine faith in Jesus Christ.  The priestly anointing has an ear to hear the Spirit of God and they are visionaries emboldened to step into uncharted waters as God directs.

Kings (as seen in scripture) generally have a gift and anointing in the market place.  They are not just successful entrepreneurs on a steady trajectory of success, but men and women of God with a supernatural gift to accumulate wealth.  They are clearly gifted visionaries in business and industry.  They can be distinguished from worldly entrepreneurs by their heart to use their abilities and accomplishments to advance the kingdom of God.  They are not satisfied with personal success and wealth.

There is often a frustration that exists between kings and priests because of a lack of spiritual understanding in each other’s rolls.  Priests can wonder why successful businessmen aren’t more generous with the church.  Likewise the kings may feel they are only seen as a “meal ticket”.  The result is, both are unfulfilled, because God designed them to work together, like parts of a single body.

Nehemiah is one of my favorite books in the Bible.  He was clearly a hard working visionary used of God to rebuild the walls around Jerusalem (a greater significance than sounds in our modern western civilization.)   I’m also intrigued by Nehemiah’s understanding of the significance of the king and priests relationship.  Finally, with my background in the construction industry, I am totally impressed he accomplished the construction project in an amazingly brief 52 days.  He spent over twice that time in prayerful waiting for God to unite the king’s heart with his vision.

No telling how long it may have taken had Nehemiah been a one-man team, having to accumulate all the materials first.  The king respected Nehemiah and not only gave him the necessary leave of absence (a sacrifice to his own well-being) but the king actually funded the entire project (Ne.2:6-8).  Not only was biblical history made, but King Artaxerxes was fulfilled in his gifting.

When the “kings and priests” relationship is understood and respected by each, it is a formidable force for the kingdom of God.  When a Godly leader receives a vision from the Lord and shares it with a king, it resonates and the king sees it in high-deff.  Like the two wings of a butterfly coming together, it is beautiful to see what happens.  The king is fulfilled in his call, the priest as well, and the people of God are blessed. 

So what do we do? 
  • Quit looking for a big tither. 
  • Be clarified in your call and purpose. 
  • Seek the heartbeat of Jesus. 
  • Partner with those who have what you don’t, and need what you have.
  • Glorify God as you both change history.  
Everyone will be glad you did, including you!

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Happy Father's Day Paul! We Love You! -The Team at THE WELL